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Monday, November 4, 2013

Fast Track Weight Loss - Eat What You Want and Smile

Are there any fast track weight loss programs? Sure there are. Have you heard of the vegetable soup diet, cabbage diet, three day diet, etc?

I wonder what will come out next, what about peanut butter cookies diet? That would be nice right? Well that wouldn't work either, it will just blow us up more causing more weight gain we don't need.

Unhealthy diets.

It's true that these diets can help you lose lots of weight really fast, as much as 10-17 within a week. But do you know what the catch is? Yes there is a catch.

The weight you lose is not pure fat, it's mostly water mixed with some muscle mass. Oops, muscle mass? Yes that's right.

Muscle is what we need to burn fat more efficiently and to help reshape our body to that tone and lean form that we desire so much. Muscle also speeds up our metabolism to burn fat faster. Plus the water we lose will be regained quickly.

What is the right healthy diets?

The right diets focus on eating a variety of foods, not getting rid of foods that we need to be healthy. We should be able to eat all kinds of foods and still lose weight. By consuming all types of foods, our metabolism speeds up dramatically.

I know it sounds crazy to be able to eat your favorite foods and still drop the pounds, but this is the right and healthy way to increase the metabolism. By cutting out different food groups, your body goes into starvation mode from lack of nutrients, then your metabolism gets slower after you get off the diet.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Weight Loss Technique Video

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Are Weight Loss Teas Safe?

For centuries, people have used tea in the far east for health and medicinal purposes for dozens, if not hundreds of different medical conditions. Even though obesity has traditionally not been a serious problem in that region, time has developed particular blends of weight loss tea that go a long way toward supporting the healthy habits necessary for real and lasting weight reduction. Still, that does not mean that all slimming teas are safe, or that they are all created equal.

Most of the time when you are shopping for slimming tea, it is going to have some kind of additives, either herbal or chemical, that force your body to behave differently in order to achieve that weight reduction. The mildest of these is caffeine, which boosts the heart rate and briefly gives you energy to maintain a higher level of activity. It also functions as a mild diuretic, causing you to lose water weight through increased urination. Caffeine may be the most common, but many times you are going to find that what has been added to the slimming tea is much more serious.

There are many weight loss teas on the market that contain more dangerous compounds, such as senna or phen-fen, which are proven to be dangerous for the body, especially when taken over a long period of time. The first thing to do when searching for any kind of tea to supplement your weight loss efforts is to read the label and make sure that neither of these are in your tea.

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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

How Do I Select The Right Weight Loss Program?

Some people do not really require a weight loss program. They are able to gather the willpower, research on the relevant information and achieve their weight loss goals independently. Others require guidance and support to achieve the same.

Most people searching for a good weight loss program will want to gather more facts about exercise, diet and weight loss because there are a lot of fad diets and other junk science surrounding the subject.

It is difficult to separate myth from fact but with some detailed research it is possible for people to find a few reliable sources of information. Scientific studies in the fields of health and nutrition are quite credible because they either support or contradict theories related to weight loss.

It is also important to find people who are knowledgeable and experienced at the gym along with a nutritionist who can guide you on the right path to losing weight. They are capable of giving the right advice and giving you a pep talk whenever needed.

In order to lose weight and make sure you stay fit and healthy it is important to make the right lifestyle changes. Part of this can be achieved by consulting a knowledgeable fitness professional or nutritionist who can guide you every step of the way.

One also needs certain tools such as a BMI calculator and a food chart to measure the calories being consumed in order to monitor their progress and know what stage of the weight loss program they have managed to achieve.

Some of these tools are relatively cheap to purchase like a mirror and a measuring tape. Others such as a heart rate machine, pulse monitor and devices that measure the body fat percentage are slightly more expensive but nevertheless worth it.

The popularity of a particular program can be accessed by the number of people who have tried it and successfully lost weight. The important thing to keep in mind is that you are aware of all the side effects or downsides of the program if any and exactly how effective it has been in helping people lose weight.

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Jump Start the Scale With These 7 Easy Tips For Weight Loss

If your scale needs a jump start to get moving down then you will find these 7 easy tips for weight loss just the thing you need. You might be doing a lot of things right already, use these tips to bring everything together and get better results.

1. Keep a food journal. This is a great way to get accountable and research shows it can double your weight loss.

2. Look for opportunities to move more. If finding a half hour block to exercise is tough then commit to taking the stairs, walking around the parking lot or doing a set of deep knee bends when you are getting ready in the morning.

3. Shift your carbs out of the evening. You might be sabotaging your weight loss every night by eating carbohydrates before bed. These food cause a spike in insulin which can prevent fat burning while you sleep.

4. Replace those carbs with a protein or veggie snack. Snacks that are protein or vegetable based do not cause a strong rise in insulin and make better late night snacks.

5. Eat mindfully. Mindless eating can account for hundreds of "unseen" calories. When you eat remove your distractions by turning off the TV and computer.

6. Don't drink your calories. Calories from drinks add little nutritional value, do not fill you up and pack on the pounds.

7. Eat a salad with lunch and dinner. A simple side salad can fill you up, add fiber to your diet and keep your digestive system running smoothly.

If you are already taking steps to a healthier lifestyle yet not getting results on the scale you can jump start your results with these 7 easy tips for weight loss.

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